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Elektra Offline

und definetely not everybody's darling (Forumsbetreiber)

Beiträge: 41.083

18.04.2008 22:37
#31 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Ich kratze nie. Nicht mit dem Fuß und schon gar nicht die Kurve. NIE. ;-)

Viele Grüße
Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)


"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)

Sonora ( gelöscht )

18.04.2008 22:38
#32 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

ich habe editiert-lies nochmal

Elektra Offline

und definetely not everybody's darling (Forumsbetreiber)

Beiträge: 41.083

18.04.2008 22:43
#33 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten
Ey, Foul, Betrug - nacheditieren, das gildet nicht. ;-)

Viele Grüße
Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)


"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)

Sonora ( gelöscht )

18.04.2008 22:43
#34 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Elektra
Ey, Foul, Betrug - nacheditieren, das gildet nicht. ;-)

lenk nicht ab!

Elektra Offline

und definetely not everybody's darling (Forumsbetreiber)

Beiträge: 41.083

18.04.2008 22:44
#35 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Is dat jezz besser so? Bei mir sieht es nur bedingt dominant aus. ;-)

Viele Grüße
Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)


"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)

Sonora ( gelöscht )

18.04.2008 22:48
#36 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Elektra
Is dat jezz besser so? Bei mir sieht es nur bedingt dominant aus. ;-)


Elektra Offline

und definetely not everybody's darling (Forumsbetreiber)

Beiträge: 41.083

18.04.2008 22:50
#37 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Grins. Nun, man sagt mir nach, ohne mich wäre es sowieso ruhiger und gemütlicher, da isses dann auch egal, wenn's mit mir dominanant aussieht. ;-)

Viele Grüße
Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)


"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)

Sonora ( gelöscht )

18.04.2008 22:52
#38 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

dazu fällt mir eine Bauernregel ein:
wenn der Hahn kräht auf dem Mist ändert sich das Wetter oder es bleibt wie es ist

FrauBine Offline

Beiträge: 3.919

18.04.2008 22:52
#39 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Elektra
Grins. Nun, man sagt mir nach, ohne mich wäre es sowieso ruhiger und gemütlicher, da isses dann auch egal, wenn's mit mir dominanant aussieht. ;-)

*anmerk*: *lol*

Elektra Offline

und definetely not everybody's darling (Forumsbetreiber)

Beiträge: 41.083

18.04.2008 22:54
#40 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Grins. Freud läßt grüßen. Unterbewußte Wortschöpfung, das kann auch nicht jede. ;-)

Bauernregel, Sonora, was will DIE mir denn jetzt sagen? Zuviel Rotwein? Im Club mit Nett-Man? ;-)

Viele Grüße
Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)


"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)

Sonora ( gelöscht )

18.04.2008 22:57
#41 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Elektra

Bauernregel, Sonora, was will DIE mir denn jetzt sagen? Zuviel Rotwein? Im Club mit Nett-Man? ;-)

macht Zugeständnisse der absoluten Art Rotwein? Iiiiich doch nicht! Watt nen Club mit Nett Man? Ich war ewig nicht dort, bin nicht im Bild!

Elektra Offline

und definetely not everybody's darling (Forumsbetreiber)

Beiträge: 41.083

18.04.2008 22:58
#42 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Bild - das ist dafür aber dann ein prima Stichwort. Ich schulde Dir ja eh noch 'ne Aufklärungsstunde. Mach ich dann Mo. mal. :-)

Viele Grüße
Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)


"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)

Mydog Offline

Direktorin des Zwockel-Zirkus und bekennend geschirrsüchtig sowie Tante Lupa (Admin)

Beiträge: 38.113

18.04.2008 23:43
#43 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Elektra
Grins. Nun, man sagt mir nach, ohne mich wäre es sowieso ruhiger und gemütlicher, da isses dann auch egal, wenn's mit mir dominanant aussieht. ;-)

.... Du vergaßest den schwerwiegendsten Vorwurf: Du bist oberflächlich!!! ;-) *schonwiederduckundwech*

Petra mit Mogli und dem Schäfchen im Herzen
Der ist nicht klein, der ist ein Hundekonzentrat. :o)

Elektra Offline

und definetely not everybody's darling (Forumsbetreiber)

Beiträge: 41.083

19.04.2008 00:55
#44 RE: Domina? Zitat · Antworten

Dafür, daran zu denken, bin ich zu oberflächlich. Und ich kann kein Unternehmen leiten, weil ich Vorurteile gegen Legastheniker habe, nicht zu vergessen. Ach ja - und in bösen Träumen böse Worte verliere. Dabei war ICH gar nicht weinselig. Obwohl ich den Spiegel lese. ;-)

Viele Grüße
Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)


"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)

Mielita Offline

Beiträge: 1.325

19.04.2008 16:20
#45  Zitat · Antworten

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