Am Vortag des Workshops mit Juno kamen Mareike und Idefix zu Besuch. Die Jungs, in diesem Fall Seppi und Idefix, legten sich richtig ins Zeug und warben eifrig um die Dame in Beige, das Ganze hatte wirklich "Comic Relief", manchmal konnte man die Sprechblasen über ihren Köpfen richtig sehen.
Zu Beginn: Seppis erster Versuch, ein Walzer, links, rechts, Wechselschritt. Juno nimmt's grinsend und liegt ihre Frau.
Viele Grüße Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)
"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)
Auf Bild 1: ... ist schön zu sehen, wie Seppi zunächst schön deeskalierend nach hinten gerichtet neben Juno steht, während Idefix eindeutige Absichten signalisiert. Bild 2 zeigt, daß das Seppi offenkundig nicht wirklich recht ist, er nähert sich Juno demonstrativ, was Idefix zu seiner persönlichen Deeskalisierungsstrategie veranlaßt, die darin besteht, ein Spielangebot zu machen. Auf Bild 3 dokumentiert: Idefixens Strategie trägt Früchte, die Konkurrenz ist für Momente aus dem Felde geschlagen. Bild 4: Pech für Idefix, der Nebenbuhler kommt zurück, der Podi bellt frustriert.
Viele Grüße Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)
"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)
Nachdem Seppi zeitweilig entschwunden ist, zeigt der Podi, daß er tendentiell schüchtern bis aufgeschmissen ist, am Ende überläßt er Seppi das Mädchen, vermutlich, um zu gucken, wie "man es macht". Man beachte des Podis Rute, während er feststellt, daß er als Galan offenbar nur bedingt tauglich ist.
Viele Grüße Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)
"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)
Seppi beweist, daß er ein "Frauenheld" ist und läßt nicht locker, am Ende findet er erstes Gehör.
Viele Grüße Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)
"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)
Viele Grüße Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)
"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)
Auch Juno kann erfolgreich "anbaggern". Bis es ihr denn doch zu bunt wird und sie zum "lachenden Dritten" flüchtet, während Idefix sich das ganze Schauspiel in aller Seelenruhe an Frauchens Seite anschaut.
Viele Grüße Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)
"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)
Viele Grüße Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)
"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)
Auf den Bildern sieht es so aus, als ob Seppi zwar hartnäckig an Juno 'dran' bleibt, aber nicht unbedingt am Hinterteil klebt. Das sind wohl schon die Erfolge der chemischen Kastration?
fürs Erzählen.
LG Iris mit Brummbär Richy und Springmaus Querida _______________________________________________
"Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of travelling." (M.L. Runbeck)
------------------------------------------------- Der Gedanke "Wie belohne ich meinen Hund für richtiges Verhalten?" zeichnet die Qualität der Ausbildung aus, nicht der über Bestrafung. (Edgar Scherkl)
Der herzige Kangalin zeigt da nur die eine Seite ihres Wesens.In Gesellschaft von netten Kumpels liegt sie vollkommen entspannt und äußerst geduldig, Marke " Ich kann doch kein Wässerchen trüben!".Wehe es erscheint am Zaun ein uneingeladener Kumpel,dann ist mein Herzchen von null sozusagen auf hundert , wenn man nicht schnell genug reagiert...
Liebe Grüße
Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Zitat von JunocoWehe es erscheint am Zaun ein uneingeladener Kumpel,dann ist mein Herzchen von null sozusagen auf hundert , wenn man nicht schnell genug reagiert...
Kicher, genauer: agiert. Wenn Frauchen da nicht schnell genug ist, fliegen dem Kangal nicht nur die Herzen zu, sondern auch ... nunja, sagen wir, Haltungsnote 6.0 in der Kür, nöch? ;-)))
Viele Grüße Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)
"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)