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Dieses Thema hat 16 Antworten
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 Behaviour (öffentlich)
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und definetely not everybody's darling (Forumsbetreiber)

Beiträge: 41.083

23.01.2012 19:58
#16 RE: Hanna und Sally - Fragezeichen Zitat · Antworten

Du hast vielleicht Glück. Der Termin von heute wurde auf Samstag verlegt, da bin ich jetzt also in Gifhorn. Wenn Dir das paßt?

Viele Grüße
Barbara mit Ritter Parcifal, Prince Maddox und Sir Lancelot sowie in ewiger Verbundenheit mit Malibub Athos, Seelenbub Ben, Spitzbub Ilias, Lausbub Seppl und 'dame de coeur' Lupa (G'lupa de la Noire Alliance)


"Just a generation ago if you went near a dog when he was eating and the dog growled, somebody would say, 'Don't go near the dog when he's eating!, what are you crazy?' Now the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say, NO. Dogs are not allowed to say no anymore...They can't get freaked out, they can't be afraid, they can never signal 'I'd rather not.' We don't have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they are uncomfortable, afraid, angry, or in pain, worried, or upset. If the dog is anything other than completely sunny and goofy every second, he goes from a nice dog to an 'AGGRESSIVE' dog." (Jean Donaldson)

missmexx ( gelöscht )

23.01.2012 22:56
#17 RE: Hanna und Sally - Fragezeichen Zitat · Antworten

das passt!

E-Mail für dich.

Danke & liebe Grüße

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